Recovery is a transformative time for any recovering addict or alcoholic. Making the shift from using to finding a new life in health and sobriety means making major changes to not only one’s actions but their way of thinking, including the way in which an addict views themselves. Addiction and Alcoholism are diseases that can be treated, but are often misunderstood in modern culture. While this time of change is a very positive time in a recovering addict’s life, it also comes with many challenges and obstacles for those who are trying to get honest with themselves for the first time in a long time.

Here Are Five Therapeutic Activities That Can Make Recovery As Effective And Reflective A Time As Possible:


Meditation is a very useful and effective tool for recovering addicts. The process of meditation allows recovering addicts to begin to recognize their thoughts and impulses as they arise and to begin to recognize the fact that they do in fact have control over whether they act on these impulses. Meditation also helps cultivate a general sense of quiet and calm in the mind. When a person begins to meditate, they start to find some peace and solace from the many thoughts and emotions that may constantly be swirling around a person’s mind at any one time, especially during a time as transformative as early recovery.


Yoga has many health benefits that are often used outside of recovery in order to provide balance and strength. It combines two therapeutic activities that are highly productive during recovery: mediation and exercise. In yoga classes, students are encouraged to focus on their breath and to reach a meditative place that allows them to stay present and mindful of the sensations they are currently feeling in their bodies. Yoga also helps encourage strength, flexibility, and balance of both the body and the mind. Engaging in an activity that teaches physical balance can have a real impact on the body’s ability to achieve mental balance as well.


Journaling is an excellent therapeutic activity because many people find that they express themselves better through writing than they do verbally or even mentally to themselves. Journaling allows a recovering addict to reflect on thoughts and emotions, which can seem much more manageable and easier to sort through when they are written out on paper. Journaling also encourages a recovering addict to remain mindful of their emotions and to think through them with purpose and resolve. Journaling can also be a great tool for goal setting in recovery, as it has been found that goals that are written out are far more likely to be accomplished.

Group Therapy and Twelve Step Programs

One of the best resources that recovering addicts have at their disposal is the support of other recovering addicts. Attending twelve step meetings helps many common struggles seem more surmountable, as other recovering addicts who are further along in the recovery process may be able to offer some insight or some hope to an addict going through a similar problem. Group therapy and twelve step programs can help addicts feel less isolated, which can help ease feelings of loneliness and depression. The support of fellow recovering addicts can also be a wonderful way to stay motivated to continue to work toward health and sobriety.

Equine Therapy

Equestrian therapy is used to treat a number of disorders, many of which occur when a person is struggling to treat themselves well. Many people recovering from eating disorders may benefit from equestrian therapy, for example. Equestrian therapy can also be highly effective for recovering addicts. Learning to care for a horse can help instill a desire to treat oneself healthfully and riding horses is a great exercise in feeling present and for taking life moment by moment. Other types of animal therapy may also be very beneficial for those making their way through the process of recovery.