• Are You Lonely or Are You Depressed?

Are You Lonely or Are You Depressed?

Depression and feelings of loneliness are often closely related and some even believe that when someone is lonely it is simply another form of being depressed. There can be a lot of confusion between the two problems as people may [...]

  • Personality Disorder and Medication

Personality Disorder and Medication

While there is plenty of information that people understand about mood disorders like depression and anxiety, personality disorders are more complex and not often discussed in regards to mental health. A personality disorder can cause serious disruptions to a person’s [...]

  • Panic and anxiety Hotlines-2

Panic and Anxiety Hotlines

People who experience anxiety often don’t know where to turn when they are having a particularly bad episode. They may feel too embarrassed or afraid to call friends or family to talk about what they are going through. Anxiety hotlines [...]

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