Methamphetamine or meth is one of the most abused psychostimulants in the United States. The drug, which is chemically similar to medical amphetamines, acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system, causing wakefulness, sensations of power and control, and euphoria. An estimated 964,000 people struggle with methamphetamine use disorder, resulting in health problems, damage to social relationships and lives, and death. Meth abuse can be devastating to the abuser and to those closest to them.
If you or a loved one is struggling with methamphetamine, there is help. Behavioral therapy, counseling, and support to learn the skills and behaviors needed to live a happy life are available. The Gooden Center offers this and more, with a strong focus on mental health treatment and support, a welcoming staff, and a home-like environment where you can be safe and recover.
Symptoms of Meth Addiction
Methamphetamine is an intense central nervous system stimulant, resulting in highly visible changes in a person’s energy, attitude, and personality. These effects are rapidly visible, whether the drug is smoked, snorted, injected, or swallowed, although the exact effects and duration will vary. Importantly, anyone who is using meth is abusing the drug and they likely have a problem. Methamphetamine is illegal in the United States, not offered under any prescription, and is highly addictive. If your loved one is using, they likely need help.
Physical Symptoms of Meth Use
Meth stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in severe short and long-term effects. Over the short-term, it can be difficult to tell apart from the usage of another stimulant, such as cocaine. Short-term physical side-effects include:

Mental Symptoms of Meth Use
Meth users compound the mental side-effects of drug abuse with a drug that damages the central nervous system, and long periods of sleeplessness, caused by over-stimulating the central nervous system. Overs time, this can cause long-term damage to the brain which can take months or even years to heal.

Meth use is always illegal. If your loved one is taking the drug, consider talking to your doctor for advice. The experts that The Gooden Center can offer advice on what steps to take if you want to get your loved one into treatment.
Methamphetamine Withdrawal
Methamphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant, which means that the side effects of withdrawal can be unpleasant. Withdrawal happens when someone takes so much of a drug that the body adjusts to having the drug in the system. When it’s not there, the body must rapidly re-adjust back to a previous norm.

Meth withdrawal is protracted over about 4 weeks, most of which will be intensely unpleasant.
In most cases, meth withdrawal symptoms are not severe enough to warrant medical attention. However, you may want to ensure that your loved one detoxes in an environment with medical monitoring, to ensure they do so safely.
Meth withdrawal timeline:
Methamphetamine withdrawal is very long in that it typically requires 4-8 weeks to run its full course. However, most patients can seek out therapy and treatment during this stage to ease the effects of withdrawal and to speed up the recovery process.
Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment
The Gooden Center offers meth addiction treatment in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, with a focus on mental health, science-based therapy, and providing a full-scope of holistic care. Our non-profit rehab center is designed around giving each of our patients the solid foundation they need to rebuild from meth addiction and move on with their lives. Our rehab center in Pasadena is focused on offering compassionate, medically relevant care, so that each person who walks through our doors has the best possible chance of a full recovery. Our methods include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and a host of complementary therapies designed to support our recovery tracts. We also offer group support, free ongoing aftercare, and personalized treatment throughout treatment to ensure every patient has the best possible chance of recovery.